Trying is the first step towards failure...(Homer said that on the Simpson's last night...)
10:24 p.m. | 2004-01-20

I bit my lip and suffered those years without you by my side.

I asked for you back and God graciously obliged�

It is only now I realize my dues�

A life with someone who cannot love me, too�


I wrote that in my sleep the other night. 4am I was finally able to bring myself awake to write it down�

I guess I�m still a little bothered by things�

I guess I just hoped that Tyler would have reacted a little differently towards the last entry when he read it�

I guess I just wanted him to say that I was full of shit and that there is a chance that one day he could love me�

But he didn�t.

He just brushed off the entire subject and continued to talk about the Lacrosse game we were to go watch the next day�

He says I think to deeply about things and I don�t just allow them to happen.

I think he just avoids thinking to save himself the trouble of forming a solid opinion about anything�

Thank you for your notes and guest book signings�

Seems like the overwhelming opinion of most of you is that Tyler can one day love me if he doesn�t already. Well, unless you all can see something I can�t�I�m not quite sure if that�s even a possibility. But thank you.

I don�t have much to say tonight other than I have almost finished redoing my visuals page and it is now up again. Go check it out�

Today I�ve realized that it�s going to be a loooong time before I graduate college because as of right now, I�m never going to pass math.

I�ve been so stressed out lately just thinking about it that I�ve been a complete bitch to Tyler�

I didn�t realize I was taking it out on him so bad until last night when I freaked out on him for falling asleep while I was across the room studying. I don�t know what it was, but I just wanted to be mean to him. So I was�

I woke him up and told him to put his shoes on because I was going to take him home�

�I just want to lay here with you,� he told me. �What is wrong with you tonight?�

�Nothing�s wrong,� I said. �Put your shoes on��

The drive to his house was silent. I didn�t even wait for the passenger side door to shut before I sped off�

I don�t know what is wrong with me, but I have a feeling it�s everything rolled into one.

I�m deathly afraid that Tyler is going to leave me for another girl again.

He swears it�s not going to happen, but he�s said that before.

He says that he�s committed to me, and that he�s �mine� but I guess I just need something solid to stand on before I believe him completely.

We talk about �us� a lot, but we never talk about our relationship in the aspect of what the hell is going on�

The other night we were talking about breakups and how it�s almost inevitable in most relationships. The I went ahead and said something like, �Well, when we break up�� blah blah blah�

He got so upset.

�Why do you think we are going to break up?� he asked.

To be honest, I have no idea. I just know that it�s a possibility. It wasn�t like I was saying we would break up anytime soon, I was just stating that almost everyone breaks up eventually.

I don�t want to break up.

I want to be with Tyler.

But I�m not going to go around with some fairytale idea that this is going to last forever when it reality it might not�

But yea.

School, work, living unloved, the lack of Ashley, and my PMS is probably the cause of my sudden crap fest.

Oh, and speaking of Ashley�.

Ash if you are reading this�



Ok, go look at my visuals page. It�s pretty. And sign my guest book cause I need some lovin�

I�m going to go lay down�

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