Baseball and Football and lots of last names...
12:36 p.m. | 2004-02-01
Five days without an update makes people wonder if Goldy is still alive�
Well I am.
And the reason for the lack of updates is simple based on the fact that nothing exciting enough to write about has happened lately.
You know how forever ago I used to spend my Friday nights with Stacy over at the park watching my Church�s softball team play?
Well they started a new season on Friday and Greg and Jarett were whining about how they were going to have to forfeit because half the team wasn�t going to play again this year�
Now, I don�t know about you but watching two skinny white Idahoan boys cry cause they can�t play baseball is pretty pathetic and I was about to do anything to keep it from happening�
So, naturally, Goldy came to the rescue and called in her recruits�
That�s right ladies and gentlemen, Tyler, Sal, and Zach
My boys gladly took up the offer to show everyone how it�s done. I tried to get Toby to play but noooo�he said he would rather go and do Cop stuff like arrest bad guys and drive around in his little police car and eat donuts�
Tyler hit a home run�
Sal hit like three�
Zach just tried his best not to drop the ball in the outfield.
Half way through the game Stacy and I got bored so we went behind the bleachers and made out�
Ok just kidding�
We went behind the bleachers and made out on the swings�.
Alright fine�
We went behind the bleachers and just played on the swings�
I tried but she wouldn�t give me any play�
Said something about how Tyler would see�
Anyway, after that we went home and ate and I put Tyler to bed and then Sal, Stacy and I hung out and watched comedy central and talked.
I don�t get to see Sal much anymore so it was nice just talking to him for a while.
And that was about it.
I worked Saturday�
Speaking of work�
I hope none of what I�m about to say offends anyone but I�m going to say it anyway�
I work at a video store.
And one of the things I hate more than anything is when someone comes in and they don�t have their membership card and I have to use their ID to look up their account.
Usually, it�s not that bad except for when I get the occasional Hispanic person who has four last names and can�t remember which last name they made their account under�
So after I type in numerous last names and I still can�t find the account, they get upset at me for not knowing what stinking name they used. Then after yelling at me in broken English for several minutes they inform me that the account is not actually under their name at all but under their uncle poncho who hasn�t rented in 6 months�
Today I�m supposed to go with Tyler over to Toby�s house to watch the big football game at the end of the season that people tend to blow out of proportion and eat way too much and get way too drunk and act stupid�
I can�t wait.
Actually, I�m debating whether to go at all�
I have a very difficult time sitting through an entire sporting event�
I get bored.
I�d rather just stay home and fold socks�