fish poo and Tyler turns 21...
7:32 p.m. | 2004-03-14
So for the most part, I�m back to normal�
All the feeling in my body is back and I�m feeling good.
Tomorrow is Tyler�s 21st birthday.
Hurray for not having to buy his beer anymore!!!
Between my mother, grandmother, and myself he has managed to accumulate 11 presents�
The little bastard�
And a homemade ice cream from yours truly�
And if he�s lucky maybe I�ll let him grab my boob�
Tomorrow I also have an Art History test, which I will fail miserably since I missed the last three weeks of class due to my illness�
Melvin the Fish has had a piece of poo hanging from his butt for the last four hours�
The sad part is that I�ve been sitting here long enough to realize it�s been four hours�
So the other day Tyler and I took our relationship to the next level�
That�s right people, after 7 years�and three attempts at a serious, steady relationship between the two of us�I finally took the next step�
I farted in front of him for the first time�
I�ve been very reluctant about doing such a thing in his presence for the simple fact that I�d like to actually keep him for a while.
But my stomach was hurting and I was just too lazy to get up and leave the room so I just let it rip�
He was feeding my fish at the time. And he sort of stopped, looked over his shoulder at me and with a nod of his head, said�
�Good one, babe.�
And that is why I love him�