Involuntary hair removal and baked goods....
12:32 a.m. | 2004-04-04
I have this coming week off of school thanks to Jesus and Bunny Rabbits�
I have no plans except to bake like a mofo�
Cake mix was on sale at the grocery store today for 49 cents a box!!!
49 cents!!!
I stocked up�
And since I have a weakness for baked goods, I bought a ton of boxes of brownie and cookie mix�
And maybe I bought about six tubs of frosting�
I was also thinking that since I had a whole week off I would do some writing since that is something I�ve been neglecting lately�
I will not rest until I write something profound and moving�
Or maybe I�ll just watch the seventh season of FRIENDS on DVD�
Either way, I�m still cooler than you�
Tyler doesn�t know it yet, but he�s going to clean my fish tank tomorrow�
He�s also going to do my laundry, re-wash my truck since it rained yesterday, give me a back massage, and cut his damn nose hairs before I rip off his nose!!!
I swear�
If those straggly hairs don�t disappear tomorrow, I�m going to attack him with my tweezers while he sleeps�
I�ll go for his one big eyebrow�
I�ll hide those god awful black socks he wears with his shorts�
Ah yes, all in a days work�