Cupid hates Goldy, thank you Diaryland, Goodnight!
3:30 p.m. | 2004-04-17
This week has sucked so much dick�
On Monday my art history teacher informed us that our research papers were going to be do in a few weeks�
He assigned us the paper in January so we would have the entire semester to compete it. The assignment is basically to go to a museum, find a piece of art work that �speaks to me� and �Is my bliss� and do a stupid paper on it�
Fine okay whatever.
On Monday, after half the class has already finished their rough drafts, he then tells us that the artwork we choose must be dated B.C.
What in the hell?!?
I don�t know about where you live, but here in Los Angeles, I�m assuming there aren�t many pieces of artwork floating around that were created before Jesus walked on water�
And if there is any, I�m almost damn sure I wouldn�t find any of it interesting�
But what irritates me the most if the fact he waits until NOW to tell us the time period. There was no indication of this on the guidelines paper or the syllabus�so I think when I see him next Monday I�m going to kick him�
On Tuesday I was at work and I swear I nearly murdered this fat lady�
She was paying with ATM, so when I totaled her amount on the computer, I instructed her to �push the yes button, and then slide her card�
So what does the bitch do�
Ignore me completely and simply swipe her stupid card and shove in back in her purse then stared at me�
Because she did not do it correctly, and since the computer only allows a certain about of time to entire your pin number and PRESS THE YES BUTTON, the computer un-totaled itself causing the fat lady to have to start all over�
�You are going to have to slide the card again, ma�am� I said
�I just did!� she cackled
�Yes, but you must press the yes button first, then slide it��
�I just did!� she bellowed again. �Why are you charging me twice! I already slide the card. I�m not paying twice!�
Goldy started to get irritated�
Finally, I just grabbed the card out of her hand, pressed the button and slide the card myself�
She looked at me all cross-eyed�
But by that time I had already thrown her receipt in the bag and tossed in on the counter near the exit and walked away�
And last but not least�
I�d like to give a big �SCREW YOU!� to all my readers who signed my guestbook or left me a note about THIS ENTRY or THIS ENTRY informing me that I was being too hard on Tyler, that I needed to trust him more, and that I should just enjoy what I have with him now�
Well guess the fuck what�
Tyler finally admitted to me that he has been lying to me and alas, doesn�t love me at all, but only said it because he felt it would make things better and because it�s how he �wishes� he felt�
Not only that, I was also right in saying that he is indeed still in love with his ex-girlfriend, whom of which is the same girl he dumped me for in high school�
And he admitted that too�
To be honest, I was more excited at the fact that I was finally proven right than I was about him lying to me�
It didn�t even phase me until later when I told him it probably would be a good idea if he hit the road.
He started crying and telling me he didn�t want to break up and blah blah�
I�ve learned real damn quick that when Tyler cries, It�s usually insincere�
To be honest, I�m pretty pissed off, but not surprised at all. I knew this all along, I was just getting sick of people and even him telling me I was wrong�
And when I asked him why he wanted to even bother staying together if this is the way he felt, he said� �Because I know you love me�
Well hot damn, that will hold us together�
Everything will be okay, cause I love him�
Screw how he feels about me�
Screw the fact that I�m getting hurt and I�m with someone who can�t love me�
As long as he knows I love him, we will be okay�
But it doesn�t matter�
Cupid hates Goldy, thank you Diaryland, Goodnight!