my bed is a boat and Tyler's new diary...
10:00 a.m. | 2004-04-26
So remember the last entry when I mentioned how my dad bought me a new bed. Well on Friday the people from the store called and told us it was in and that we could pick it up when we wanted.
So my dad came home from work early to go pick it up.
I was gone the whole day at work and then to Tyler�s baseball game, so when I got home at about 1am I found my new bed in my room�
And you know what�
It doubles as a boat.
I shit you not, the damn thing is waist high.
I mean, I�ve been sleeping on a twin my whole life, so is it normal to have a full sized bed that high?
It�s like I need a running start just to get on top of it�
I back up as far as I can while Tyler stands near the end of the bed with his hands locked together�
I run as fast as I can and step into Tyler�s hands as he catapults me on to the bed. Then I reach down and pull him up�
Okay, not really�
But still!!!
Anyway, besides the height, the bed is sooo comfortable. In addition to the bed, my dad bought me a two-inch thick impression foam topper.
It forms to my body and when Tyler moves, I don�t go bouncing around like a rag doll�
If you thought I was a lazy mofo before, you ain�t seen nothin� yet�
In other news�
I know I�m a little late, but I�ve finally discovered the wonderful world of video games�
See, the only video games I ever played were on the original Nintendo system. (Which I still have with all my games, by the way)
But this weekend, while my little five-year-old cousin came to visit me, I found out just how addicting playstation2 is.
We pulled it out of my sister�s room and hooked it up in my room and played Finding Nemo all day.
Then we played ninja turtles.
Then after he left, I went to blockbuster and got SpongeBob SquarePants and The Sims to play by myself�
I played the Sims yesterday for 7 hours.
Tyler isn�t going to like my new fascination very much�
Speaking of Tyler�
Guess who started their own Diaryland diary!?
Yea, Tyler did.
With my help of course�
Why don�t you go on over and say hi and leave him a note�
no0kie12 is his name...