It's like living in a bad cartoon....
2:34 p.m. | 2004-08-22
Oh my god OH MY GOD!!!!
I am SO sick of everyone being here at my house.
For the last two weeks my grandmother and loud mouth annoying uncle have been here.
My uncle came down to help my dad in the backyard. They tore out the brick wall, cemented half the backyard and dug a bunch of ditches for the electrical wires and TV cables for the Jacuzzi and gazebo we are getting. But I don�t know what is worse, my uncles booming irritating voice or his stupid and not so funny comments.
�Hey Krystle, why don�t you come outside and help us dig this trench�HAHA! Don�t you want to come and help your uncle dig? How about I catch that rat I saw last night out here and let it loose in your room? HAHAHA!!�.�
See, there is a reason I steer clear of family functions�
And I swear, my grandmother walks way too slow.
Ya know, the hallway is only so wide, and when you are trying to get to the bathroom and she just happens to be walking in front of you, you are lucky if you don�t end up peeing all over yourself.
It�s bad enough we have Jessica living with us. But when grandma and my uncle come down it�s like Jesus is punishing me for being the only sane one of this family.
Speaking of Jesus�
Yesterday at 6am my uncle decided it was time to break down the brick wall on the side of the house�
The first hit sent me flying off my bed.
I swear, I thought it was Jesus breaking the sound barrier coming back to take me home�
I was not so lucky.
And did I mention how extremely hungry I am?
Between my sister, Jessica, and my uncle there is no food in this house.
I was lucky enough to find a stale granola bar in the back of the pantry this morning. Otherwise I think I would have died of starvation by noon.
I miss the days when it was just I, my sister and my mom and dad living here.
Before Jessica and her dog. Before my uncle decided to start speaking to us again after a 13 year vacation from his aggravating behavior. Back when my grandmother visited us for two days every couple of weeks.
Back when my sister showered.
Ah the good ol� days�