boggie woogie!
11:33 a.m. | 2004-10-02
So, I haven�t written in awhile, and it�s not so much because I�ve been busy or I haven�t had anything to talk about, it basically comes down to the fact that I�m just damn lazy�
But anyway,
I got the super cool doll of Ebay and I love her more than you.
I�ve eaten at Wendy�s everyday for like the past week because I love their chicken nuggets�
TWO of my goldfish died yesterday.
What the hell is that about?
My mother is having the kitchen painted this morning and although she told me it was going to be a shade of purple to match the counter tops, when I peeked through the window at the workers their were slathering on a horrid shade of pink�
My kitchen looks like something you drink when you are nauseous�
I do not know how we are ever going to be able to put food in there�
The dimmer switch in the bathroom decided to stop working the other day and when I got up to go pee at 3am I was so out of it that I couldn�t comprehend why the light wouldn�t go on. I just stood there and kept twisting the switch around and around. Then I tried to pee in the dark and I got dizzy and fell of the toilet.
I am working for the school district at a middle school as an AVID tutor.
I rule all.
I got my wisdom teeth yanked out of my head last Friday and it was so funny because the dentist actually thought I was going to let him stick an IV in my arm�
Silly, silly dentist.
He ended up doing it anyway after they knocked me out with a gas mask�
Speaking of the dentist, I wasn�t allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING for 8 hours before my appointment. I wasn�t even allowed to drink water.
As soon as I get there the first thing they asked me to do was pee in a cup�
What the hell�
First of all, is that new? I�ve never had a dentist ask me to pee for him�
Second, how the hell was I suppose to pee in a cup if I hadn�t had anything to drink for 8 hours�
And, I�m so hard-core that when I got home from getting my teeth pulled out I ate some tortilla chips and later I pulled out the stitches myself�