Done. Fucked. Up
9:22 a.m. | 2004-10-24
Tyler has Done. Fucked. Up.
Worse then you can even imagine when it comes to me...
Now, our relationship is totally in my hands because I'm seriously and deeply thinking about completely ending it based on his dumbass actions.
All I can say is if he has any interest in staying together he better be prepared to be doing some major ass kissing, some present buying, on his knees begging, up my ass, yes Goldy whatever you say talking, AND starting to show effort and results of everything I told him I wanted him to do last night which includes seeing a therapist about the cutting, seeing someone about his rage, start a fucking savings account, stop drinking so much, no more hanging out with Zach when booze is involved, (which is basically whenever they are together which is just a bonus) AND email that fucking bitch of an ex-girlfriend who ruined his life two years ago and tell her he's not allowed to talk to her anymore because he got fucking caught!
And even after all that...
I'm still not even sure if I'll want to be with him...