Hopefully I'll get drunk enough to forget what the hell I started drinking for...
4:11 p.m. | 2004-12-29
Is anyone else happy that this year is almost over?
Yea, me too�
Is anyone looking forward to another year starting?
Yea, me either�
I�m the type of person who can�t really get over when someone screws me. I�ll stop bringing it up and mentioning it after awhile, but I don�t forgive anyone. Not because I don�t want to, just cause, well�I can�t.
Therefore when a year ends and another begins, I�m either reminiscing about all the shit that happened to me that pissed me off and then I get mad at whoever it was all over again, or I think about the next year that�s coming and think about just how bad I�m going to get screwed over next time�
It�s rather annoying, actually.
I just can�t look at anything with a smile anymore. I�d be lying to myself if I tried to believe that this next year was going to bring me some sort of benefit.
Tyler lost his job yesterday.
This basically means no anniversary Big Bear snow trip next month that we�ve planned since November, no dinning out for awhile, and lying to his parents for the next couple of weeks until he gets up enough courage to tell them he lost his job again�
It�s disappointing, but I�ve tried not to throw it in his face like last time. Truth is I�ve been expecting in for a few months now. That is why I never booked the cabin in Big Bear for the snow trip even though I�ve had the money.
See, a negative outlook saved me money�