Sergeant Flat Top!
8:49 p.m. | 2005-02-23
So I remember what else I wanted to talk about in the last entry�
Tyler�s hair�
Okay, so for the past year or so he�s had really long curly hair. The day before we left for Las Vegas, he decided to get it trimmed and cleaned up since it was starting to look like a really bad Afro.
Now, I�ve told him many times to NOT go to any cheap hole in the wall salon such as Supercuts or Fantastic Sam�s. First off, never trust any salon that takes walk in appointments and secondly when the hair stylist has hair that looks like a two year old got a hold of a pair of scissors, I�d suggest going elsewhere�
But no�
Not Tyler�
He went in asking for a trim and clean up, and came out with a flat top�
The clip fell out of the clippers and the dumb bitch shaved his head�
See, if he would have went in and said, �Hey, just give me the highest, most ridiculous looking flat top you can. And don�t even worry about the fade. Oh, and if you can make the top uneven so I look like Gumby, that would be great.�
I called him Sergeant Flat Top.
He ended up just shaving the whole damn thing off�
So now he�s completely bald�
I really hoped he learned his lesson�