20 year old Gigalo...
11:08 a.m. | 2005-03-03
So every morning I listen to the same fabulous radio talk show. And on Thursdays they have this therapist that comes on and gives advice to all the sorry saps out there who can�t seem to figure things out on their own.
Today there was this 20 year old girl who called in concerned about her new boyfriend who is always 20 and has confessed to her that he has slept with 44 women.
Immediately I thought to myself that this girl needed to get the hell out of this relationship before her vagina fell off from all the diseases�
But our wonderful woman therapist thought other wise. I don�t remember her exact words but it went something like this.
�Just be happy to know that he is in the relationship with you, and know that those other 44 women helped him and guided him sexually so he is able to perform well for you and be in a serious relationship.�
Oh my god.
First off, if he is 20 and has had sex with 44 women, I doubt that he is able to be in a serious relationship. Mainly because I doubt that he loved and cared for all of those women. Second, any guy who keeps count is a loser.
I mean seriously, what girl in her right mind would feel comfortable being number 45 at the age of 20?
He�s 20. He can�t buy a beer yet or go to a night club but this poor girl is supposed to believe that his promiscuity is going to make things better?
I feel like bitch slapping this therapist.
And of course I�ve come up with a few reasons why this nut job therapist feels this way�
Either she is in her forties and has never had sex because she spent too much time in therapy school and she is at that point in her life where she wouldn�t care how many women her boyfriend has porked as long as she was getting some. Or she has slept with more than 44 guys herself and saying that it�s okay to a 20 year old just makes her feel better and less of a whore herself.
I mean ewe.
Tyler has slept with one other girl and THAT drives me crazy.
I know for a fact I wouldn�t be able to be with him if he had slept with 44 girls. There is no way I could be with someone who took sex so casually. In my eyes it takes all the meaning away and I would be nothing special to him.
And that is my rant for the day�