I feel soooo special!
1:17 p.m. | 2005-03-16
Tyler�s birthday was yesterday and Friday night after he comes home we are going to celebrate by going out to eat�
Okay, well actually MY plan was (since I was planning the party) that everyone would meet at the restaurant, eat, drink, and then go the fuck home.
Tyler ALWAYS complains about how he NEVER gets to see his friends so I figured it would be nice if I could get them all together for a few hours, and then afterwards him and I could go back to his house and be by ourselves.
Yea, he didn�t like that idea so much�
He wanted everyone to meet at the restaurant, eat, drink, and then go back to his house to party all night which basically squeezed me right out of the equation�
I asked him why it couldn�t be just me and him after we got home, and he told me, �Because I haven�t seen my friends in over a month.�
Well no shit�
He also hasn�t seen ME in over a month. But just like always his friends come first. Something I just need to get used to I guess�
I made me feel like shit. I miss him so much, and he misses his friends�
Not to mention I�m horny, but whatever.
The only thing he�s getting from me for his birthday now is a new wallet.