Doctor, Doctor....
1:01 p.m. | 2005-04-01
I�ve never felt normal, or at least what I perceive as normal. I see people all the time and they are happy and enjoy life. I�ve never really enjoyed anything.
So when I started taking the medication my doctor prescribed for me for my depression back in January, I figured that after a few weeks of taking the pills I would feel happy. Normal.
I went in for a check up a few days ago because my Doc wanted to make sure the meds were working for me.
�How are you feeling?� she asked�
I feel okay. Not great or happy or excited for any reason. And I don�t get angry as much anymore or feel the need to murder my family on a daily basis. I just feel okay.
She started writing things down on her little note pad.
I went on to tell her how I thought I would magically love life if I started choking down little round tablets everyday, but I still don�t feel that way. I told her how I thought that I would wake up every morning and feel great and happy and excited for the day to come. I would just love to live�
She finished writing and handed me a prescription for my meds for another year.
�Honey,� she started. �If you felt like that I�d have to give you a prescription for a different medication.�