Richard Simmons is my lover....
10:48 p.m. | 2005-06-06
So Tyler comes home on Saturday night after spending the day with ugly Zach and tells me to get ready because he was taking me out for drinks�
At first I�m a little taken back since Tyler just doesn�t do that kind of stuff. It�s not that he doesn�t do things for me; it�s just not often he spontaneously wants to take me out over his friends�
He takes me to TGIF�s because it�s my FAVORITE place in the universe to get hammered�.
We get there and finally get seated and I ordered an Ultimate Hawaiian Volcano�
Jesus came back before we got our drinks�
Even our food came before our drinks�
I ordered a Friday�s Chicken sandwich with no mayo�
I get a sandwich with no mayo�.and no chicken�
No. Fucking. Chicken.
Lettuce, cheese, tomato and pickles on a bun�
In other news, I had an extremely productive day. But only in comparison to my normal everyday which consists of practically nothing�
I went to work early. And by early I mean before noon�
I came home, read an entire chapter in my history book for my online class and took the chapter test and only missed one point�
Then I did an entire workout to one of my many VHS exercise routines I bought on sale at blockbuster three years ago�.
That�s about it�
I�m going to really try this time to keep up a steady workout schedule�
But then again my dad just got home from the grocery store with three types of ice cream so we will see how that goes�
Oh yes.
Speaking of work out videos�
You know what irks the shit out of me?
Why do they not make workout videos with fat people in them?
I mean, honestly, when I pop in a workout routine, I don�t want to see a bunch of skinny ass bitches that could seriously use a candy bar. I want to see people my size. REAL sized people that jiggle when they do leg lifts�
That�s all�