The nuns were hula-hooping...
5:16 p.m. | 2005-12-18
So now that work and school is out till January, I have time to write a decent entry�
Well, I have time to write an entry, anyway�
I got my final grades in and the verdict is two A�s and one C�
And I�ll be damned if I didn�t work for that C�
�Inferential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences� CAN SUCK MY WHITE ASS BECAUSE I PASSED WITH A C!!!!
Grandma screamed at the toilet the other day while we were shopping at the mall and had to make a pit stop at the ladies room�
It was one of those automatic flushing toilets and when she stood up I guess it startled her because I was in the next stall and I heard her let out a scream and shuffle her feet�
Then she couldn�t find out how to make the paper towel machine work, because it was also motion censored�.
And then there was the faucet�
It was a long day�
Is it sad that half of the gifts I bought for Christmas that are under the tree in the living room have a name tag that says, �To: Krystle From: Krystle�?
Just curious�
So my birthday was like, two weeks ago and I haven�t mentioned yet what the hell I did. Tyler ended up surprising me with a day at Glen Ivy Spa�
I got a full body massage, and my nails done�
Except that I had never had a massage before so I was so nervous that it made it difficult to relax. Not to mention that the water fall in the corner of the room made me want to pee all over myself�
Then a few of my friends came over and we all went out to dinner�
My dad bought me a big ass TV�
Too big to actually fit on my TV stand, so I had to pull it out away from the wall about three inches which makes my room look even smaller�
Not to mention leaves a noticeably large gap behind my TV stand which just gives way for shit to fall behind it�
My dogs have been extremely mischievous lately. I woke up last week to my thongs and bras strewn all over the backyard�
That will learn me to leave my laundry on the floor�
Then Cody decided it would be fun to grab the end of the toilet paper roll and go running around the house in circles until it looked like it had snowed in ever room of the house�
The other night Tyler and I went to his work Christmas party�
And by work party I mean out to dinner with his Aunt and Uncle and half of California�s permanently visiting Mexican population�
Sweet Christ�
We went to this restaurant called Buca Di Peppo�
It sounded fancy so I decided to wear my hooker boots, my pretend leather jacket, my sexy jeans and my booby shirt that rarely sees the light of day�
There was a statue of the Pope on a gigantic marry-go-round on the center of the table, there were cherubs painted on the ceiling above us with penises just hanging out, and there was a picture of a dog shitting on the wall�
I totally can�t wait to go back!