cheesecake and lingerie....
6:38 p.m. | 2006-07-26
I decided to try the celebrity 48 hour diet today.
It�s this juice fasting diet that you drink every four hours and then at the end of the second day you look just like Nicole Kidman�
I was doing great until the 3rd hour�
Then I decided I wanted a piece of cheesecake�.
Speaking of cheesecake, I was at the mall the other day and typically I cannot leave without buying a caramel apple from this little stand they have, but when I got up to the counter I saw a sign that said �FROZEN CHOCOLATE DIPPED CHEESECAKE�
Needless to say the caramel apple took a back seat.
AND it was on a stick. Frozen chocolate cheesecake on a stick�
Sweet Jesus�
Um�what else�.
I tried buying lingerie the other day.
It turns out buying lingerie makes me extremely uncomfortable and I am incapable of doing it. I can�t even buy tampons without freaking out, I don�t know what made me think I could shop for lingerie.
Whatever, I like my flannel.
Did anyone else hear that Lance Bass from N�Sync announced he�s a certified pole smoker?
Imagine that?
A good-looking guy with great highlights is a homo�
I fucking love it.