ahhh 24....
8:36 a.m. | 2006-12-02
And Britney Spears....
Tomorrow I get to go to the Ducks vs. Kings game!
And today I get to do laundry and study for my finals that are coming up!!!
I know I haven't updated this thing in forever and I'm not sure how I feel about it anymore.
No one writes on here anymore, no one comments, no one reads....
I cooked the ENTIRE thanksgiving meal all by myself slightly intoxicated and I did not burn anything...
horray for me...
The other day I bought this totally cute shirt in the little boys section at Target and it's army green and it has an army tank on it and under the tank it says
"you very much"
get it?!?!!
so funny....
And then I put it on and came home to do laundry and I guess I must of stuck my boob in bleach because within a few minutes my boob was itching like crazy and I looked down to see my new shirt ruined with a huge bleach spot right on my right nipple...
Sad day in goldyland...