Now, When I asked for Prince Charming....I didn't mean.....
1:13 a.m. | 2001-11-15
So last night I get off work, minding my own freakin business, when I get out of my truck, walk up the drive and come face to face with a huge frog sitting in front of my front door!!!
It was just chillin there.
A REAL frog.
Now, I�ve lived here since I was 13 and not once have I ever seen a frog.
Lizards, yes.
Frogs, no.
So there I was, just a few feet away from being in my nice warm house. And there was a stupid frog blocking my path. What the heck was I going to do? I didn�t want to step over it or go around it for the fear that the dang thing would get all crazy on me and jump on me and start biting me or something. And I didn�t want to shew it away because, again, crazy frogs aren�t kool.
So I actually stood out there for at least a good five minutes trying to figure out what the heck I was going to do. And I probably would have stayed out there longer if it hadn�t been so cold and I didn�t have to pee so bad.
So then I thought, �Hey, I�ll just go in my truck and hit the garage door opener and just go in through the garage.�
So there I was. Rummaging through all the crap in my truck. It�s amazing how I let it get so dirty. You would think I would just clip the darn thing to my visor or something like a normal person but�..NNNNOooooo�..not me�.I gotta do it the hard way�
Needless to say I didn�t find it�so I ended up breaking into my dads car and using his opener.
Then I just went inside.
Leaving poor Kermit out on the cold porch.
Tomorrow Imma clean out my truck�