Bonfire and Brandon and Rooney and Pictures...
1:29 a.m. | 2003-06-27
Ah yes�
So last weekend we had a bonfire at the beach�
If I remember correctly it was put on for all the graduating seniors who are moving out of the High School ministry and will now be joining our college youth group at Church�
But since only TWO seniors showed up, I pretty much thought of it as a welcome home for Bernie�
I was excited to go.
But once I got there it took a few hours for me to warm up to everyone again, since I�ve kinda not been around the Church lately�
There weren�t as many people there as I had hoped.
Brian had to work�
And Jenn and Matt didn�t show up either.
Aaron didn�t get there until like, 8pm�
And even though I didn�t really miss her, Lauren wasn�t there either�
We roasted hot dogs�
And ate smores�
Then we played this stupid game where we all wrote down something embarrassing or interesting about ourselves on a piece of paper that was read out loud and then everyone tries to guess who it was�
I learned that Brandon�s most embarrassing moment occurred when he was pooping in a public restroom when he realized there was no toilet paper�
And Melanie knocked herself out by running into a metal pole that was evidently painted the same color as the asphalt�
And when Ashley was little her cousin�s dog tackled her to the ground and peed all over her�
Oh that�s great.
And because I couldn�t think of anything embarrassing, I just left my paper blank�
I�m sucha party pooper�
Lets see what else�
So okay�
If you know me personally or have been reading my diary for awhile you will have noticed that under my CURRENTLY section on my layout I am forever plugging
And if you are super freakin kool, you would have clicked on it and realized it led to the world�s greatest band ever�
I�ve been in love with Rooney for like, ever.
Way before they went on tour with Weezer�
Way before they opened for the Strokes�
And waaayyy before they were all over MTV�
And damn it, everyone though I was retarded.
Laughing at me for joining their street team and spending my spare time writing there website URL on the bottom of dollars bills to send back into circulation�
Made fun of me for spending all my time searching for their songs on KAZAA because they didn�t have a CD out yet, just a bunch of 3 song demos that they sold when they played at local clubs down in Hollywood�
And ridiculing me for belting out their song "Sorry,Sorry" while driving down the street�
Well they can all keep laughing!!!
Cause I have finally found someone who shares my love for Rooney�
Oh yes�
Apparently he heard them recently on MTV2 late one night and like myself, fell in love.
He went out and bought their new CD�
I mean, really.
I thought Brandon had already reached the point of perfection long ago, but now�now I am certain�
Now everything thinks we are both retarded�
And believe it or not Brandon has gotten even sexier�
He got some more tattoos�and grew his hair out really long�
Go see pictures on my visuals page�
You won�t be sorry�
Ok um�what else�
We�ve got a new recruit to our super kool Jesus lovin� crowd�
Joe is so super sweet it�s not even funny.
I guess he�s been around now for a few months, but like I previously mentioned, I haven�t�
So I just actually met him about two weeks ago�
I must say he is fitting in quite well�
You can find a picture of him�along with all the other bonfire pictures I took on the visuals page linked above�
Oh and last but not least�
Aaron has a new girlfriend.
Oh yes
The same Aaron who I had a thing with for 6 months but then lost me to Byron after he straight faced lied about his feelings for me because he was �scared��.
Well apparently I was a major learning experience for him cause he�s doing a great job at letting EVERYONE know how he feels about Nicole.
I really think it�s cute, and I honestly hope they work out.
And I�m glad that he�s learned how to treat a girl.
Go Aaron.
Ok bye.