It's Arlo's birthday and Albertson's has hot box boys and Elias is still my friend...
4:51 p.m. | 2003-09-23
Yesterday was seriously crappy.
I got in a fight with Elias over the stupidest thing ever�
I got a big black stain on my work pants five minutes before I had to go in�
The idiots at Starbucks still don�t understand what NO WHIP means�
I got alllll the way to the Brea Mall before I realized my wallet was in my backpack on my bed in my room�
And last night at around 11pm as I was making my first attempt at this entry, the power goes out.
First off, me and Elias got in a seriously huge argument over the fact that I wouldn�t let him buy me lunch�
He actually was so upset at me that he drove us back to his house, got out of my truck, and walked inside the house�
I really thought he as just messing around until he wouldn�t talk to me. I really don�t understand him sometimes. He knows how I feel about people buying me stuff, so I really don�t understand why this time would be any different. I�ve never had a boyfriend pay for my meal, so I�ll be damned if my best guy friend does. I�m just not used to that. It�s an independence thing I guess. But he doesn�t see it that way. He seems to thinks it�s because I�ve never been treated properly by a guy before, and now that I have a guy in my life who does things for me, I freak out.
It�s true.
But I don�t care.
I can buy my own cheeseburgers thankyouverymuch.
I thought he�d get over it in a few hours and call me and everything would be okay, but by 8pm and still no call from him, I started to get nervous. I ended up calling him from work.
Me: Baby, you still mad?
Elias: No
Elias: no, I�m over it.
Me: So you love me?
Elias: yes, I just got done emailing you about it.
Me: YAY! I�ll read it when I get home�
Elias: okay, just stop acting like a shithead all the time�
The joys of our friendship�
This is what his email said�
Why do you do this to me? Why do you make me hate you?... I seriously felt like ripping out your brain and running it over, over and over....and over again. Anyways, I'm over it now, I can't stay mad at you cause when I think about it I realize that you will forever be dumb and I can't change that... Just know, next time... please let me treat you once in a while because I don't think it's fair that you do things for me and you won�t let me appreciate it by at least buying you food or something of the to you later�
In other news�
Wanna see a picture of Arlo pimpin da ladies...
oh yea.
I�m baking him a cake as I write this. Ooohhh�speaking of cake�
So about an hour ago I get in my truck and head to Ralph�s to get the cake stuff. I got there and realized they didn�t have the type I wanted. So then I decided to drive on over to Albertson�s.
I hate Albertson�s�
Well, until today that is�
I saw the most beautiful box boy ever.
He was all sexy with spiked hair and caramel skin.
His name was Roman.
I know this cause I saw his nametag.
He kept looking at me.
And then I looked at him.
And then I smiled.
And then he smiled.
Then I got my bag and left.
Sometimes I seriously don�t understand myself. There was a perfect chance to get to know a cute new guy that I was certain was interested in me, and I left.
Because I�m a moron.
Needless to say Imma start shopping at Albertson�s instead of ugly box boy Ralph�s from now on�