Lord of my Ass....and Christmas cookies for the guy I play crotch grab with...
10:14 p.m. | 2003-12-17
Am I the only one on this planet that believes Lord of the Rings isn�t even good enough to wipe my ass with?
I have never had more hatred for a movie in my life.
I just don�t get it.
It�s long, it�s boring, it�s stupid, it�s fake�
And trust me I tried desperately to enjoy the first one when it came out two years ago but I will just not allow myself to get hooked on something so hyped up and far fetched�
But ya know, if people want to see it, that�s fine. But when I�m trying to get home from work and I can�t because they have the MOTHER FREAKIN STREET BLOCKED OFF TO ALLOW SCHOOL BUSES TO PARK NEAR THE THEATER�I�m just not having it!!!
I swear you would have though the Pope was here.
I�ve never seen so many cops and buses and people in my life.
When I finally get home after taking a detour around the right hand of God, I turn on my TV and there it was�
Some uptight news lady talking about how great the New Zealand dancers were that preformed in front of the theater for the kids that in turn just looked like a bunch of fat Mexican guys with paint on there faces dancing around in dresses�
And the fact that these children were taken out of their learning facilities to watch a non-educational movie and block my route home is just down right wrong�
In my opinion the only good thing about those movies is Orlando Bloom�
And with that I conclude my thoughts on why Lord of the Rings sucks ass�
In other news�
I made Christmas cookies!!!
Stacy bought me 100 cookie cutters for my birthday a few weeks ago so I decided to try the Christmas ones out�
And then I made chocolate chip cookies�
And Christmas rice crispy treats�
Tyler came over after he got off work and helped me�
He�s so cute standing over my stove wearing one of my tee-shirts that is two sizes too small and holding a mixer�
And then we took a nap�
And played crotch grab�
And I think he�s cuter than any boy ever�
So while he was sleeping I got up and decorated the special heart shaped cookie I made for him�
It has sprinkles and everything�
And when he saw it he blushed�