I like chicken....
11:46 a.m. | 2004-11-12
You know you are getting old when you go to the grocery store for some Southern Comfort and you end up buying TV dinners�
4 for 10 bucks!
You best believe I snatched up one of every kind I liked.
See, now that I started my new job at the school district (which, I mentioned here a few weeks ago and not one of you bitches left me a note to congratulate me but whatever�) I will only be getting paid once a month. And since my first day was November 2, I won�t get a paycheck until mid December.
That means no more eating out every night.
That also means everyone is getting a hug for Christmas�
Now I know what you�re thinking, �Goldy, don�t you still live at home where your parents feed you for free?�
Well, the answer to that is yes.
I do get to eat for free. Food is not in short hand here at my house, but the way it is prepared is.
My mother is a rotten cook.
And my dad only knows how to work the barbeque.
Therefore, I eat TV dinners and frozen foods.
For example, this morning before I went to work my mother asked me if I wanted a grilled cheese sandwich.
�HECK YEA!� I said
So I go in my room and await the arrival of my delicious grilled cheese sandwich.
I told her I like it a little burnt. And she said no problem.
A few minutes later she comes in and sets the grilled cheesy plate down in front of me.
�I put mustard, avocado, and Turkey-Ham on it�� she said, then walked out.
And when I say Turkey-Ham, I mean processed lunch meat that contains both turkey parts and pig parts�
And it wasn�t slightly burnt. Instead she made it entirely soggy.
When she wasn�t looking I snuck out the side door and dumped it out in the trash bin on the side of the house.
So yea�
4 for 10 dollars!!!
Then I bought a pint of Ben and Jerry�s ice cream and some apple jacks�
So you wanna see a sexy picture of me on Halloween with Tyler�s sister Tawnia?
You know you do.