I'm siiick and why Tyler is a butface sometimes...
9:04 p.m. | 2003-12-11
Words cannot describe just how upset I was at Tyler Tuesday night�
I seriously don�t think he has ever been so absent-minded and insensitive towards me ever.
Early Friday morning I started to get really bad pain in my abdominal area. I thought it just might have been a reaction to the new medication I�m taking so I didn�t think much of it until I went to the rest room and it hurt to pee.
For the rest of the day I was completely uncomfortable and it felt like there was intense pressure on my bladder at all times�
This lasted through the weekend, and finally it got so bad yesterday that I decided to do a little investigating and realized I had the symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection�
So last night Tyler and I are out and about and we ended up meeting up with our friends Toby and Travis�
We were all hanging out at Travis�s watching TV and the entire time I�m in severe pain�
Tyler keeps asking me what was wrong, but since I hadn�t been to the doctor yet to confirm my suspicions I didn�t want to tell him anything other than that I was having pains in my abdominal area. Not to mention I didn�t want to tell him in front of other people�
I mean, really.
The less Toby and Travis know about my vagina, the better.
So finally we get up to leave and our plan was to go back to Tyler�s house.
We get in the car, and about two minutes after we leave I have to go pee�
And. It�s. Bad.
But instead of going straight back to his house, he decides to play around with Toby who was in his car ahead of us�
We actually followed Toby all the freaking way back to his house before Tyler turned around and headed for his house�
And the whole time he�s driving like a complete ass�
Doing burnouts, spinning tires, and peeling around corners�. IN MY TRUCK!!!
I tell him to stop because frankly he was scaring me and on top of that I was about ready to die from the pain�
Nothing I said phased him.
When we finally got back to his house I was nearly in tears�
I just walked inside, said hi to his dad, used the restroom and walked out the door.
Tyler came chasing after me and decided he would make it all better by just giving me a hug.
I don�t think he has ever hugged me so tight. And now after thinking about it I�m convinced that by pressing my head against his chest he was actually trying to keep me from yelling at him�
It worked because everything I said came out muffled�
I just got in my truck and left.
About two hours later he calls me half drunk from Sal�s house.
By this time I figured I should just tell him what was wrong with me because I had already made a doctors appointment for the next day and my mother and Stacy both said I was probably correct in assuming it was a Urinary Tract Infection�
That was my first mistake.
Trying to explain something to Tyler or reason with him when he�s been drinking is like banging your head against a stonewall�
My second mistake was telling him when I knew he was around Sal and his buddies�
Thanks to the excessive noise where he was, crappy cell phones, and his obsession to repeat everything I said, now Sal and his entire dorm room know that my vagina is on fire.
So I hung up.
He called back.
�So this is all my fault!� he screamed. �You have a bladder infection and you�re blaming it on me!�
What. The. HELL!!!!
I was in no way implying that he had ANYTHING to do with my infection. All I was trying to do was answer his question as to why I was in pain. Turns out Tyler had no idea what a Urinary Tract Infection was or the numerous ways you can get one.
This is what beer does to ya kids!!!
Makes you stupid.
By this time I was crying and I just hung up on him again�
It was at 11pm�
My cell rang at 3am�
I knew it was him by the ring tone and I assumed he was on his break at work. I was just too tired to deal with him, so I rolled back over and fell asleep�
My phone rang again at 8am�
�I�m sorry.� He mumbled. �I was being a dick.�
Well, I�m glad he�s starting to see things my way�
I ended up going to the doctor the next day and she have me some pills and today was the first time I�ve peed since Friday and it didn�t feel like I was pissing battery acid�
Go me.
I�ve been home alone for the last two days and let me tell you; it�s been a fabulous 48 hours�
No nagging, no bitching�nothing�
Only one thing could have made it better and that would have been my health. On top of my infection, all the medication I�m taking because of my intestines and my blood, I�m starting to get the flu�
Sneezing, runny nose, sour throat�. the works.
I was so doped up on meds last night that I couldn�t even drive. Tyler ended up taking my truck to work and coming back here at 8am when he got off�
It was kind of nice just having him here with me. Knowing he�d be the last person I�d see before I fell asleep and the first person I�d see when I woke up in the morning�
Except he hogs the bed�
We had this conversation this morning�.
Tyler: I�m hungry. Go make me food.
Me: Do I look like your bitch?!
Tyler: *long pause*�..yes.
He ended up making himself a burrito�
Who�s the bitch now?!?!