Four ass cheeks...and peanut butter goo
10:53 p.m. | 2003-12-23
Why do I feel like the next two days are going to be nothing more than me missing Tyler...
One of the joys about Christmas (ya know...besides our Savior and all that good stuff) is spending it with people you love...
I get to spend mine at work with my bitch ass co-workers, and then at home with my psychotic family and their eagerness to drive each other to the brinks of suicide...
Or maybe it's just me...
either way I'm still going to be Tylerless....
In other news...
I do believe my body is trying to grow two more ass cheeks...
The other day I decided that even though it was the dead of winter I wanted to buy me a new bathing suit in which I will spend close to 100 bucks on and wear a total of about four times...
And when I say WEAR...that also includes a pair of boardshorts and a tee-shirt on top of it...
so anyway, I saw the cutest suit at the mall in Pacific Sunwear the other day when I was pretending to go Christmas shopping for everyone else.
this is what it looks like...
cute huh?
So I decide to try it on. I grab a medium in the top cause I basically have no boobies...
And since I know that my butt isn't exactly tiny, I grabbed a large in the bottoms...
and would you believe it...
The bottoms covered exactly ONE butt cheek...
I swear it was like trying to hide an albino elephant behind a brown napkin...
And of course they didn't have an XL bottoms so I had to leave the store bathing suit-less...
Luckily for me, (and probably not so lucky for anyone who goes swimming with me) they carried at XL in the bottoms online...
So I think to myself...
"The large didn't fit, so the XL must fit!!!"
I yanked out my credit card and ordered away...
Today I got my bathing suit in the mail...
And would you believe it...
My ass is STILL hanging out.
This is just maddess.
But due to laziness and my love for the suit, I am just going to keep it. Plus I ordered the matching boardshorts so atleast I can save myself a little dignity next time Tyler suggests we go in his Jacuzzi...
In more other news...
Today I tried to make a two layer cake with peanut butter frosting but apparently I made the frosting a little too thin cause the next thing I knew the top layer had slid right off on to the counter leaving me with two really really ridiculously thin cakes with really really ridiculously thin peanut butter frosting...
And chocolate chip cookies...
Merry Christmas everyone!