Life is Overrated...
7:16 p.m. | 2004-06-30
I�m so utterly and completely miserable�
I�m not happy with any aspect of my life�
My job makes me so unsettled it�s unbearable. I feel like I�m just wasting my life away doing nothing that actually makes me happy.
College is a joke.
I�m taking so long to get through it that it almost seems pointless.
And when I signed up to take care of Tyler forever, I thought I would be getting at least something in return.
Today he got upset cause I didn�t warm up his tortilla correctly when I made him a burrito�
I warmed it in the microwave instead of on the stovetop�
Silly me�
White girls shouldn�t make burritos anyway�
And to be honest I can�t think of a time when Tyler has ever done anything for me�
He makes literally three times as much money as I do but is always broke since he�s got over 900 dollars in bills each month. Mostly due to credit cards his cunt of an ex-girlfriend left him with�
Haven�t I suffered enough because of that bitch?
And when he does have any extra money he buys shit he doesn�t need�
Like a paintball gun he�s never used�
Or the snowboard and all that snow crap that he used ONCE last winter�
I plan on marrying this guy. And recently I saw this awesome kitchen set at the store that I fell in love with. I talked to my mom about buying it and putting it away until I get married�
Today it went on clearance and I told her to forget it�
By the time I get married my taste will have changed so dramatically that I probably won�t even like it anymore�
I�m hopeless�
I�m hopeless and I can�t make a burrito�
And I miss Friends�
Not like, people�
Just the TV show�
I�m hopeless, I can�t make a burrito and I miss a TV show�
Life is overrated�