Baseball and my family....
5:02 p.m. | 2003-09-27
I really don�t have much to talk about but I feel I need to update so bare with me�
Yesterday Stacy and I went to watch some of the guys from my church play baseball on the new league team they started.
Our youth pastor, Chris is heading it up and the team consists of Brian, Matt, Jarett, Gregie, Sexy Billy and his bro Jonathan who looks like that gay dude from Dawson�s Creek, minus the Gay�Michael, Tim, and this guy everyone calls Uncle Chuck�
When Jarett told me they started a team the first and only thing I thought was�
Riiiiight. You guys are gonna suck.
But you know what�
I haven�t had that much fun at a sporting event since I was a cheerleader in high school.
And even that could be debatable�
The only thing is that Gregie needs to learn how to pitch cause he was so bad he must of walked like ten guys�
They are gonna play every Friday night now�
Guess what I�m doing on Friday nights from now on�
Tonight my whole disFUnktional family is going out to dinner to celebrate my mother turning 316875315 years old�
Somehow I was able to weasel myself out of going.
I used the ol� �gotta study� bit and it actually worked.
I know it might suck that I lied and will be enjoying my sanity here at home with a half gallon of rocky road and a remote, but I just couldn�t subject myself to the torture.
Not even for free food.
The only thing that could have gotten me to go is if Elias would have gotten the night off of work and came with me.
And even then I�m almost positive we would have just ended up ditching the family and doing something else anyway�
I�m going to go watch a movie now and lay around�